Columns and pilasters

We design and make brick and stone masonry for structural columns and decorative pilasters, including their often intricate carved capitals. Besides the classical Ionic, Doric and Corinthian-style columns, we can supply elegant Georgian style pilasters and columns, often as part of door surrounds or porticos. Our stone and red masons can also create the more elaborate Gothic and Renaissance-inspired carvings that were often used to embellish the pillars and capitals of Victorian-style buildings.

Natural stone columns and pilasters
We can design and make segmented columns and pilasters from any of our masonry stones. For renovations or restorations, we stock Wealden Sussex Sandstone and Yorkstone, as well as Port Regent limestone, which can be used to replace Portland Stone, and Port Lime, which emulates Bath Stone.

Pilaster: an upright architectural member that is rectangular in plan with capital, base and entasis. It usually projects a third of its width from the wall.

Column: usually a rounded shaft with entasis, sometimes fluted with a capital and a base in one of the five orders of architecture. In most cases they serve as a support for an entabulature.
Brick columns and pilasters
Contact us to discuss the red brick columns or pilasters you wish to replace or to include in your new building. We can design, hand-make and carve our special bricks to your specifications, creating round or square columns. Our traditional Red Rubber brick material is approved for use in historic restorations in Britain.
Technical Drawings

Our experienced technical consultants would be happy to answer your questions about any of our products or materials. Contact us to discuss what you need.

01403 785141

Copyright © WT Lamb & Sons Limited, Trading and Lambs Bricks & Stone.
2025 All Rights Reserved Company Registered in England and Wales.
Samples are indicative of the texture and colour of our material.
No warranty is given or implied that goods will in all respects be equal to the sample.